Commodity Comparison System
Commodity Comparison System
Commodity price comparison system
The PIS Product (PIS-Product (price) Intelligent System), independently developed by Grand Digital Group, aims to analyse competitors' products in all regions and categories through crawler technology and artificial intelligence to automatically match and adjust prices to in response to changes in the prices of competitors' commodities.
Main product functions
The Crawler Technology Directory mapping management
Grab all competitors/all regions/all categories
Competing goods statistics
Crawler management and crawler progress query
Matching Automatic matching + manual confirmation
Key commodity category management
View matching results by item group
Pricing Pricing strategy
Automatic price adjustment
Semi-automatic price adjustment (automatic + manual)
Product Decisions Expand and reduce categories
Expand and reduce product items
Commodity operation intelligence (Activities)
Crawler - Website management of competing products
Reptile robot
       Product category attribute matching
     Match - Technical architecture
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